Your employer’s safety obligations.

Your employer is obliged to ensure the workplace health and safety to all people on site through:

  • Providing and maintaining a working environment that is safe and without risks to health.
  • Providing and maintaining plant, structure and systems of work that are safe and do not pose health risks.
  • Ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of plant, structure, and substances.
  • Providing adequate facilities for the welfare of workers.
  • Providing workers with information, instruction and training or supervision needed for them to work safely and without risk.
  • Monitoring the health of their workers and the conditions in the workplace.

Employee Safety Obligations:

    1. To take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your actions.
    2. To comply with the instructions given for workplace health and safety at the workplace by the employer.
    3. For all workers – to use personal protective equipment if the equipment is provided by the worker’s employer and the worker is properly instructed in its use.
    4. Not to wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for the health and safety of persons at the workplace.
  1.  Do not operate any equipment unless you are trained and authorised to do so.
  2. Keep your work area clean and tidy.  All items must be returned to their correct place as when left around they could cause a person to trip or fall or cause mechanical breakdown.
  3. Marked passageways must be kept clear at all times.  If it is necessary to obstruct a passageway for repair/maintenance of plant, warning barricades must be placed on both sides of the obstruction.
  4. Before operating any equipment, ensure that all guards and safety devices are in position and operating correctly.
  5. Safety warning and directional signs must be observed at all times.
  6.  All injuries, however minor, must be reported to your Manager/Supervisor and recorded on the Accident / Incident Report Form and necessary first aid or medical treatment obtained.
  7. Practical jokes, horseplay or like practices are strictly forbidden.
  8. Any electrical or mechanical faults are to be reported to your Manager/Supervisor immediately. Unqualified personnel must not attempt any repairs whatsoever.
  9. Danger tags/lockout devices must be affixed to specified or placed on hazardous equipment while maintenance/repairs are being affected.  Tags/lockouts must remain in place until the equipment is again safe and serviceable and may be removed only by the person affixing them (or in their absence a management representative).
  10. Personal protective equipment and clothing supplied by the company must be worn at all times whilst in the work area that it applies to.
  11. Hair of long, loose, or unruly nature must be confined by net or cap when working near rotating parts of machinery.
  12. Wrist watches, bracelets, loose jewellery, or loose clothing shall not be worn when in close vicinity to moving parts of machinery.
  13. Any situation which you believe may be, or could become, a hazard and you cannot rectify yourself should be reported to your Manager/Supervisor or to your Safety Representative and recorded on the Hazard Report Form.
  14. Employees, who in the opinion of their supervisor, are under the influence of alcohol or drugs such that their condition may constitute a hazard to themselves or other workers, will not be permitted to work and will also place their job in jeopardy.
  15. Smoking is only permitted in the dedicated smoking areas.
  16. Do not use compressed air or gases to clean clothes, hair, or parts of the body.  Do not direct air or blow rubbish towards yourself or any other person.
  17. Riding on any part other than the designed seat of all vehicles, fork-lift trucks or mobile equipment is prohibited.
  18. Do not run.  Do not take short cuts.  Do not step over or walk under moving machinery.  Use designated pathways, ramps, and stairways.
  19. Do not climb product racks or stack products other than on a ladder.
  20. Watch for moving vehicles at all times.
  21.  Never walk, work, or stand under a suspended load.
  22. Ensure that children and unauthorised persons do not enter the workshop.
  23. Clients must only enter the workshop accompanied by the Service Manager.
  24. Do not jump from heights, unstable surfaces or moving objects.

Additional Information

Your manager will tell you on site about such things as:

  • Emergency procedures and the location of the Emergency Assembly Area
  • The location of the first aid kit and who is qualified to treat you if you hurt yourself.
  • Who are your supervisors.
  • How to report accidents and unsafe work conditions.
  • What machinery you will be working with.
  • Who to report harassment and bullying.
  • Safe Work Procedures for tools and machines you will be working with.