Pedestrian Safety

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Toolbox Talks

As a pedestrian how can you avoid being struck by vehicles?

Some of the measures you should take:

  • Where pedestrian walkways are provided – e.g., in service areas, always use them. Get to your destination by the shortest, safest route.
  • Never stand or walk behind a vehicle – the driver may not have seen you and could reverse without warning
  • Get to your destination by the shortest, safest route.
  • Never walk across an area where pedestrians are not allowed
  • If you need to speak to or contact a vehicle driver, never assume he or she is aware of your presence -ensure the driver has seen you and STOPPED the vehicle before you approach
  • Make sure you wear high visibility clothing – this is particularly important in poor weather conditions and darkness
  • As a driver, if you are concerned about the risk of collision with pedestrians, then report the circumstances to your manager straight away.

If you have to use a mobile phone always:

  • Make sure that you are in an area free of hazards, such as moving vehicles and machinery
  • Select a position of safety before making or answering a call or text message
  • Remain stationary in a position of safety for the duration of the call

If you are the driver of a vehicle, then you can help avoid pedestrian collisions by taking the following actions.

  • You must be trained and deemed competent to operate a forklift. Never operate a vehicle if you have not been trained – you are breaking the law if you do, and your manager is breaking the law if he or she knows you are operating the vehicle without having been trained or licensed.
  • Observing speed limits and restrictions on vehicle movements.
  • Ensure you complete your daily safety check of the vehicle
  • If vehicles are damaged, or not working, it is essential that you report the defects and take action to rectify them. Some defects will require the vehicle to be taken out of use until repaired.
  • Keep all windows clean and make sure screen washers and wipers are working.
  • Never reverse your vehicle around a blind corner where pedestrians may be present. If you need to
    complete a difficult manoeuvre where vision may be limited, obtain the assistance of a colleague to act as
    a lookout
  • Stop immediately if you lose sight of the lookout.
  • As a licensed operator of a forklift, you may be able to identify where improvements can be
    made – raise these matters with your manager or supervisor or contact your Safety Officer.

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